Wading Through the Haze

nature landscapes sunset sunrise sun sunlight sunbeam sky clouds colors bright trees forest fog mist haze scenic view wallpaper

These are challenging times. That’s a statement repeated over and over in our conversations, in the media, on billboards, everywhere. Like we didn’t already know.

I have to admit that I’m about done with masks. I am done hearing the Covid-19 numbers and seldom check anymore. I am tired of social restrictions that deny me the right to have family and friends in my home. Piled on top of that are the ridiculous rants of various groups demanding that everyone else change for them, celebrities who feel the need to influence the masses to agree with them, politicians who have obviously forgotten (or maybe they never knew) how to run a country to achieve the best economic and social solutions instead of fighting for their own personal agendas.

Honestly, I didn’t intend for this to be a bashing session, but I guess I have been wading through more haze than I realized.

The challenge of these times is to see clearly. Yet, the haze is so dense, so dark. Our enemy Satan, and his legion of demons, have been having quite the time of it, particularly in the past year. Keep people discouraged, sick, confused, full of fear – those are the hallmarks. And above all, don’t let them see a light in the darkness.

The other day, someone told me to do this very simple thing (I don’t think he’ll mind me sharing it here). Place a chair in the middle of the room and sit down. Imagine one side of that room contains all your garbage – fears, problems, illness, etc. On the other side of the room is Jesus. Turn your chair so that you’re facing the garbage. Take a good look. Can you see Jesus? No! Now turn your chair so that you see Him. Look into His eyes. Can you see the garbage behind you? Of course not. The thing is, it’s your choice where to turn the chair. YOU. And you can’t have it facing both ways at the same time.

In our attempts to wade through the haze of life, particularly in these days, we so often have our eyes turned to see the garbage in our lives and in the world around us. We can’t possibly see Jesus, because we aren’t even looking in His direction. Satan grabs on to that and runs with it, keeping us focused on the crap so that we don’t even think about anything else.

How about this? Instead of turning your eyes on Jesus just during your daily (or maybe weekly) devotions, or when you’re tuned into online church on Sunday, or when someone asks you to pray for them – all of which are good, by the way – keep your focus on Him ALL THE TIME. Turn your chair away from the garbage and resist the temptation to turn it back. Choose to see clearly through the haze.

The chorus of this song has been going through my head all morning.

You are Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are

Jesus IS the Way – the Way Maker, the Miracle Worker, the Promise Keeper, and the Light in the Darkness. That’s where our focus needs to be. On Him.

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Filed under Christ, Christian, decisions, God, Jesus Christ, Thinking

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